Principle: The service has been entrusted by parents/guardians to care for their children. The service aims to provide as healthy an environment as possible for children and Staff. We will endeavour to minimise your child’s exposure to infection by excluding sick children/adults. We will encourage parent’s uptake of vaccinations. We will inform parents/guardians and the Health Service Executive where necessary of any infections in the service.

Childcare Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016 (Síolta Standard 9: Health and Welfare) (National Standard 17: Premises, National Standard 20: Safety)


Statement of Intent:

It is the policy at the service that our children’s welfare is the first and most important consideration. In the event of sudden illness, we will contact our parents/guardians immediately about our concerns regarding their child’s health and well-being.


Policy and Procedure:

  • Parents/guardians will be informed of our concerns and procedures we are taking.
  • If a parent cannot be reached the next name on the emergency list will be contacted.
  • The child’s temperature will be monitored and recorded.
  • If staff feel that a child needs medical attention, the parents/guardians will be notified and with their permission, we will contact the doctor on call.
  • Parents/guardians will be responsible for the doctor’s fees.
  • If a child requires “one to one” attention and we cannot facilitate this at the time, parents/guardians will be asked to collect their child.
  • Parents/guardians will be required to take their child home immediately in the case of vomiting or diarrhea.
  • We request that parents/guardians inform the service if their child is unable to attend due to illness, stating details.
  • We advise that sick children must be kept at home (see exclusions list).
  • Children attending the service suffering from any contagious infections must have a doctor’s clearance certificate before returning to the service.
  • In the event of an outbreak of any infectious disease, all parents/guardians will be verbally informed. A dated notice informing all parents/guardians of any infectious disease outbreak will be displayed on the notice board.
  • We advise all persons who enter the service to inform the manager if they have come in contact with an infectious or contagious disease.
  • The HSE recommends that all children in preschool receive the appropriate vaccinations. This acts as a safeguard for your child as well as protecting other children in the service.



In order to ensure the safety and health of all our children and staff those who have any of the following conditions will be excluded from the service:

  • Acute symptoms of food poisoning/gastro-enteritis.
  • An oral temperature over 38 degrees which cannot be reduced.
  • A deep, hacking cough.
  • Severe congestion.
  • Difficulty breathing or untreated wheezing.
  • An unexplained rash (see exclusion list also).
  • Vomiting (48 hours from last episode).
  • Diarrhoea (48 hours from last episode).
  • Lice or nits – see Head Lice Policy and Procedure.
  • An infectious /contagious condition.
  • A child who is on an antibiotic for less than 48 hours.
  • A child that complains of a stiff neck and headache with one or more of the above symptoms.


Infectious Disease Control:

  • Children/adults with infectious diseases should not attend the service.
  • Employees suffering from a contagious illness should not work with children, i.e. gastro-enteritis, etc. and must inform the Management immediately.
  • All children must provide up to date record of immunisations (see immunisation programme).
  • Should there be an outbreak of any infectious disease or incident, a dated notice clearly stating the situation must be posted on the Parents/guardians Notice Board. Parents/guardians should also be informed verbally and in writing. This notice should be updated when relevant.
  • Any children of staff who are ill should not accompany their parents/guardians to work in the service.
  • Head lice are a contagious condition and if a case is noticed it should be brought to the attention of Parents/guardians immediately. A child is not permitted to attend the service until the condition has been successfully treated.
  • Observation of children following immunisation is essential, parents/guardians should inform staff of immunisation. It is good practice to encourage two-way communication on all health issues.
  • Staff in the service will be immunised against infectious diseases.